Disaster Response

Disaster Response

This is the first course in the Emergency Response concentration of the LPSC pathway and a prerequisite for EMS 1 and Fire 1.

The DR course may be taken simultaneously with the EMS 1 or Fire 1 courses.

In this course students will be introduced to the National Incident Management System and how it defines the comprehensive approach guiding the whole community - all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector - to work together seamlessly to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents.

Students will complete a series of FEMA independent study courses and submit the completion certificates as evidence of successful completion of each course.

The online course is perfect for those students who are not able to enroll in the face-to-face course.


To register with Garza Online you must be logged in to your AISD account.

To do that, open another browser and go to the AISD login page. Then use the links.


Registering for the online version of the Disaster Response course is a two step process.

First, register with Garza Independent. Click here then click the green button titled "Enroll in Garza Online." After submitting the form you will receive credentials to continue to step two.

Second, register for the Disaster Response course. Click here and click on "Enroll in Fire Academy Disaster Response Course."


Log into Garza online, start by clicking here. Navigate to the My Courses tab. There you should see the DR course.

Course number: 8809.R000.Y, PEIMS Coding N1303011 (1 credit)