Skill Testing
The EMT Psychomotor Exam
Throughout your Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) educational program you must demonstrate competence in a wide range of emergency care skills. Your instructor must attest that you have demonstrated competence in the following skills during your course: patient assessment/management of a trauma patient, patient assessment/management of a medical patient, cardiac arrest management/AED, bag-valve-mask ventilation of an apneic patient, spinal immobilization (both seated and supine patient), long bone fracture immobilization, joint dislocation immobilization, traction splinting, bleeding control/shock management, upper airway adjuncts and suction, mouth-to-mouth ventilation with supplemental oxygen, and supplemental oxygen administration to a breathing patient.
You must also successfully complete a state-approved Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) psychomotor examination. Speak with your instructor or State EMS Office about the format and logistics of completing a state-approved Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) psychomotor exam.
Emergency Medical Technician psychomotor examinations are not administered by the NREMT. All EMT psychomotor exams are administered by either the State EMS Office or at the training institution (with approval and oversight provided by the State EMS Office). EMT course instructors should provide candidates information regarding this examination.
The following performance checklists are a guide for the verification of required skills. The State EMS Office or training institution may use different forms.
The psychomotor exam will be on a Saturday in May of each school year. The psychomotor exam will consist of seven skill stations. The stations are chosen from the following skills:
1. Patient Assessment/Management – Trauma
2. Patient Assessment/Management – Medical
3. BVM Ventilation of an Apneic Adult Patient
4. Oxygen Administration by Non-rebreather Mask
5. Spinal Immobilization (Seated Patient)
6. Spinal Immobilization (Supine Patient)
7. Bleeding Control / Shock Management
8. Cardiac Arrest Management/AED
The skill evaluations will be conducted by impartial third party evaluators from other EMT education programs who have experience teaching EMT or higher courses.